MAYKOR-GMCS spoke at the webinar "Automation of financial function", which was held on June 21 with the support of an industry community CFO Cafe.
We offer high quality and effective end-to-end IT and business support and we pride ourselves in developing long-term relationships with our clients, partners, employees and other stakeholders.MAYKOR has the largest network of business units across Russia in the industry. Thanks to our highly qualified and knowledgeable team of experts, we are ranked as one of the leading Russian IT service providers and we are among the Top 100 global leaders in outsourcing.
MAYKOR: IT and business processing outsourcing services across Russia
Аутсорсинговая компания MAYKOR специализируется на обслуживании кондиционеров, демонтаже кондиционера, ремонте системных блоков, восстановлении информации, установке кондиционеров.
Аутсорсинговая компания MAYKOR находится в Южно-Сахалинске на 1-й Островной улице в Адмирале. По всем вопросам обращайтесь по телефону 8 (800) 100-44-77 или на официальный сайт компании
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