Dedeman Oskemen Tavros is located in one of the most important centers of commerce and industry in Kazakhstan. Dedeman Oskemen Tavros welcomes its guests on the edge of the Irtysh River, situated in the city center. Dedeman Oskemen Tavros is the first hotel of international standards, which can meet the needs of the city’s business world. We provide our guests with the experience of “Traditional Dedeman Hospitality” through 133 rooms, restaurants offering unique flavors of international cuisines, SPA center, and conference rooms all equipped with the latest amenities.
İstanbul Dedeman Hotels, which has numerous beauties, has become a city that people of all nationalities have curiously visited for centuries.
Dedeman Oskemen Tavros специализируется на где поужинать, ароматерапии, выпити чаю, СПА массаж, spa, обертываниях, пиве, аромамассаже, обеде, талассотерапии, выпити кофе, где выпить вина.
Dedeman Oskemen Tavros находится Өскемен на улице Пермитиной. По всем вопросам обращайтесь по телефону 8 (723) 220 8208 или на официальный сайт компании
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