Fresh Production

рекламная компания

Москва, Болотная набережная, 3/4с2 (2-й этаж, вход со двора, БЦ Красный октябрь)
Режим работы
будни с 11:00 до 19:00
Рекламная компания Fresh Production — схема проезда на карте
Виды деятельности
  1. видеостудия в Москве

Once upon a time Anya Kiseleva and Mishel Sheniara were awfully young and studied directing at the same class at the university. Then each of them entered the labor force: Anya was a director on television, Mishel freelanced by producing adverts. Being experienced in their business guys’ paths crossed precisely at the moment when both of them realized: “Better be a good producer than a mediocre director”. In 2004 Mishel and Anya’s spirit of adventure inspired them to found their own production company. Directing experience and healthy rationalism turned out to be a successful combination for the producers. Fresh Production team put their souls into each and every project, they have been looking for the best performers regardless of the budget, they have been experimenting for more than 10 years already.

описание с сайта Рекламная компания Fresh Production

Рекламная компания Fresh Production находится в Москве на Болотной набережной в районе Якиманка недалеко от метро Полянка. По всем вопросам обращайтесь по телефону 8 (495) 989-24-79 или на официальный сайт компании

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